Prayer Wall

Please pray for the health emphasis week that the Baton Rouge Seventh-day Adventist Church is hosting July 11-13. The week will culminate with a free AMEN Medical/Dental Clinic which will also be held at the church on July 14. Pray for this medical missionary work and that the Holy Spirit will lead this church family, each volunteer, and each patient to the foot of the cross!
2 people prayed for this request!

Tracy Francis
Please pray for all of the events which our church will be participating in or sponsoring over the next few months: Health Ministry activities, Prayer Ministry weekend, Women's Ministry Tea, JCAA activities, South Louisiana Camp Meeting, and all Evangelistic efforts. Pray that we focus on what's really important - reaching souls for Christ!
2 people prayed for this request!

Marjorie Belizaire
Praise Report--Praising the Lord that we were able to close on our new home! Thanking my Baton Rouge SDA Family for their support, love and advice during this time. Praying for a smooth move now.
3 people prayed for this request!

Kendra Roland
My child and I moved to Baton Rouge a month ago from Georgia. We were in an unstable household and I didn’t have much leverage. Right now, we’re residing with an associate and we have a room in her home. I moved to Baton Rouge under the pretense that’s I’d be able to regain financial independency. Since I’ve been in her home all I’ve been is a personal nanny to her 7 children because she’s hardly ever home. When she’s home she’s absent. I believe in paying my way, however, I don’t believe taking almost full responsibility of 7 children is a fair exchange for a room in the house. I need GOD to move my child and I to an environment that’s wholesome. I don’t have transportation, or much of anything really. I do believe that I’m being taken advantage of.This is not what I signed up for, we’ll, maybe I did because I came here. It’s difficult to get on my feet when I’m always with her children, daily! Please pray for me and Lailani, I need a swift move of GOD Almighty. I am weary and losing hope. Shalom
7 people prayed for this request!

Marjorie Belizaire
That the Lord will continue to lead in the purchasing of a new home in the Baton Rouge district area where He wants us to live. For my small children, that they will grow and be Christ filled. For my husband's ministry in the BR district, that he may be a blessing to everyone he encounters and that many will be led to Christ. For the ARKLA conference, that this year, through all of the different departments, we will stay with the theme of claim and reclaim!!
5 people prayed for this request!

Kayla Montavon
I’m asking for prayers for my mom -- anybody that knows her they know she’s a volunteer Art, PE & Substitute Teacher at JCAA. But much more, she’s an Adventurer Teacher, Assistant Sabbath School Teacher, and Home & School Leader for JCAA. After doing the JCABA Santa parade on Dec 16th, she was in a lot of pain which she always try to hide. At our school party on Dec 18th, she had a bad fall -- she accidentally tripped over someone's foot and now the pain is so bad she can’t get up out of bed. She needs God's healing.
8 people prayed for this request!

Fletcher Broussard
Please pray for my uncle, Roger Broussard. He had a stroke yesterday and is in of dire prayer for him and his family in this crisis.
12 people prayed for this request!

Joycelyn Fautheree
Prayer requested for Ann & Milton Seitman in TN. Ann has health problems and has recently suffered a stroke. The Seitmans were in Baton Rouge in the late 1990’s at the BR General when it was managed by SDA Health Systems. They were also instrumental in remodeling the JCAA school.
5 people prayed for this request!

charles wright
Protect me against evil both seen and unseen evil and danger in every category
4 people prayed for this request!

Ricky Rowe
Riza Jenkins lost her mom. Please pray for her and her family.
4 people prayed for this request!

Philip de Rivaz
I have recently got engaged (living in the UK) and please pray for all the various types of marriage preparation and upcoming wedding. Also, I am studying a full-time theology PhD from a UK university, that I plan to complete by 2026 and please pray for its successful completion and for my finances and accommodation during the studies.
4 people prayed for this request!

Raj Prasad
Kindly please pray for physical and mental healing for Raj.
5 people prayed for this request!

Fletcher Broussard
Just recently, my friend and fellow co-worker passed away. So please, please pray for his family and friends, his coworkers, and myself as we are going through this sad, tough time. Thank you.
8 people prayed for this request!

Veronica Henry
Please pray for Lisa Whiteside's son Blaze Wheat, and her grandson Chase.
14 people prayed for this request!

I request prayer on behalf of the victims, families, and individuals who are impacted, the first responders and all others who are working with and trying to help in the aftermath of the catastrophic wildfires in Maui, Hawaii. May God’s grace and mercy be sufficient.
11 people prayed for this request!

Pray for my brother (Kenroy Watkin) who has been hospitalized with cardiac issues.
11 people prayed for this request!

Prayer requested for Melissa Palmer who is going thru some health issues. She would appreciate the church lifting her up to the Lord in prayer.
13 people prayed for this request!

Fletcher Broussard
Please pray for Pastor Virgo and his family as they get settled into the Baton Rouge District. Pray also for the youth/students (K thru College) as they enter into the coming school year. Thank you.
11 people prayed for this request!

Specific prayers for health concerns are requested for Virginia Anderson, who is on our church prayer list.
12 people prayed for this request!

Barbara Booker, spiritual, mental and physical strength to cope with her husband’s recent passing.
16 people prayed for this request!

Joy M
Please pray for Lila DeLa Cueva, fighting against pancreatic cancer. Her daughter Liza, is our friend and neighbor of our very own Ms. Aina
17 people prayed for this request!

Wolfe Decker
In our prayers let’s please remember our brother Wolfe Decker. He now resides at Garden View on Jones Creek.
16 people prayed for this request!

Prayer request for our sick and recovering church members; especially those who are not attending church, prayer meeting and other church activities/events due to illness, immobility or incapacity. Please remember and pray for them and if possible call and visit.
15 people prayed for this request!

Pray for God to raise up missionaries and Bible workers for the needs across the worldwide mission field.
13 people prayed for this request!

Ron Francis
Prayer for my church family: for an outpouring of the holy Spirit on the church so it can accomplish its mission in the community.
14 people prayed for this request!
